"Happy" 8

"Happy" 8


Happy : it just is. A state of being. Bask in its colorful warmth. No words or analysis required.

“Happy” : citrus orange & yellow, sky blue, lime green, neons, pink. Felt as a smile (hence the half circle), in the cheeks, in the eyes. Small, stenciled circles represent the “bubbles up from my collarbone to my throat and right out in a laugh” (@oh.cecilia). I also was inspired by “a little sky blue, right down my center line. I feel it” (@shpm_creative). —
About this “Feeling Heart ❤️ Project” : I converted a 16 emotions emoji chart for kids into a #sarahhartart chart: where each emotion is embodied in color, circular shapes, and fluid ink movements. I want to empower both kids and adults to feel the truth of their heart through art. Each emotion was painted based on data gathered through Instagram. I then had people vote on the best one to represent the emotion. The winner went into the chart (shop it here).

Original artwork, artist signature on the back. 5'“ x 7”.

"Happy" 5 happy5.jpg
sold out

"Happy" 5

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"Nostalgic" Runner-up

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"Nostalgic" 4

"Nostalgic" 3 Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 7.22.48 PM.png

"Nostalgic" 3

"Grateful" IMG_4900.jpg

